The registration fee includes the participation of the two days with:

·         2 lunches

·         3 refreshments

·         Entrance to the recreational site of the second day
·         Pen
·         Notebook
·         Entrance bracelet
BEFORE September 30
AFTER September 30
Normal Student  $ 60.000  $ 80.000 
College Student $ 70.000  $ 90.000 
Normal Graduate  $ 70.000  $ 90.000 
Normal Teachers  $ 80.000  $ 100.000 
Professional  $ 100.000  $ 120.000 
Speakers (lectures or workshops)  Discount 50% 

If you are from another city, in order not to pay transfer fees, it is better to do so from a BBVA ATM by national consignment

BBVA Save Account 188-104848, Nit # 900 614247-2,
Name of the account: ASEENS Asociación de Exalumnos Escuela Normal Superior


In this form you must attach proof of payment.

Note. For the comfort of those who come from other cities, we want to offer them the option of lodging in one of the houses of our students, teachers in training, during the two days of the event.